Re-opening of Play Areas and Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Whilst the Government permitted use of equipped play areas from 4th July, their guidance on managing these areas safely was produced on 26th June, and in order to have time to seek further guidance and consider the safety of our residents, we decided to keep our play areas closed.

Having now reviewed our risk assessment and considered further guidance from play industry professionals and our insurers, we are now able to re-open the play areas at Norman Road and Arnold Recreation Ground and the outdoor fitness equipment at Arnold Recreation Ground from Tuesday 28th July 2020.

In order to stay safe and avoid the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19, please abide by the following rules and restrictions:

• If any person in your group is showing symptoms of Coronavirus, stay at home and get a test
• Follow social distancing guidelines
• Bring your own hand sanitiser / wipes to clean hands and equipment before and after use
• Supervise children while using the equipment & instruct them not to touch their face or mouth
• If it is busy, please wait at a safe distance or return later
• Do not consume food anywhere within the play area or near the equipment
• Dispose of all litter in the bins provided or take home with you
• Remember this is shared equipment, used at your own risk

Signage has been installed to remind users of their responsibilities. The Parish Council reserves the right to close the facilities if the rules are not being adhered to.

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