Agenda for Committee Meetings 15th February 2021


Monday 15th February, 7.30 pm Online Leisure Committee

20/538 Apologies for Absence Members:
20/539 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting).
20/540 Matters Arising – for information only
20/541 To approve the minutes of the Leisure Committee held on 18th January 2021
20/542 To acknowledge the weekly inspections of the Playgrounds and Fitness Equipment
20/543 To consider/approve cost to remove soil heap from the allotments
20/544 To consider/approve replanting sections of the Arnold Recreation Ground hedge
20/545 Update on the replanting of the allotment hedge (Dunstall Road boundary) and to agree the way forward
20/546 To consider flooding in Arnold Recreation Ground play area
20/547 To consider the unspent S106 available fund
20/548 To consider the 2021 Horticultural Show
20/549 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: B Thomas (Chair), A Channon (Vice-chair), G Gardner, J Paxton, N Day, V Jones, L Davison-Williams (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs S Cowie

Monday 15th February, 8.30 pm Online Burial Ground Committee

20/550 Apologies for Absence
20/551 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting).
20/552 Matters Arising – for information only
20/553 To approve the minutes of Burial Grounds Committee held on 18th January 2021
20/554 Update on the Burial Ground Strategy and to agree the next stage
20/555 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: A Channon (Chair), B Thomas (Vice-chair), G Gardner, J Paxton, S Laycock, L Davison-Williams (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs S Cowie

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Meeting ID: 966 7743 4696
Passcode: 935513