Agenda for Committee Meeting 20th September 2021


Burial Grounds Monday 20th September 2021, 7.30 pm at the Village Hall

21/185 Apologies for Absence
21/186 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or any point during the meeting)
21/187 Matters Arising – for information only
21/188 Approval of the minutes of the Burial Ground Committee held on 21st June
21/189 To acknowledge the Burial Ground and Churchyard inspections
21/190 To acknowledge the War Memorial inspections
21/191 To agree the arrangements for the Remembrance Sunday Service and approve any costs
21/192 To receive an update on the response to the memorial stability testing in the Burial Ground and agree the next stage
21/193 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: A Channon (Chair), S Laycock (Vice-chair), G Gardner, A Vale, B Thomas (ex-officio), J Paxton (ex-officio)

Minutes:  Mrs S Cowie