Council Encourages Voters and Candidates To Be ‘Vote Ready’ For Polling Day

In preparations for the local and parish elections which take place on 4th May 2023, Central Bedfordshire Council is encouraging all eligible residents to make sure they are registered to vote and have their voices heard in the democratic process. Full details about how to register or to check if you’re already registered can be found on the Council’s website

The Council is also reminding residents that, following a change in government legislation, voter ID will be mandatory at polling stations. Acceptable forms of ID include a government-issued ID, such as a driving licence, passport, as well as travel passes and proof of age ID cards. A comprehensive list of acceptable forms of identification can be found on the Council’s website.  For anyone that doesn’t have any of these forms of ID, they can apply for a postal vote or the new Voter Authority Certificate. Details of how to do this can be also found on the Council’s website.

Residents should look out for a household notification letter soon to be dropping through their letter boxes. This will advise them who is currently registered to vote at the address and will also contain a leaflet on voter ID.

For anyone interested in standing as a councillor, nomination papers must be delivered by hand to Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands SG17 5TQ.

Nomination papers can’t be accepted before 14 March 2023. The deadline for handing in completed nomination forms is 4pm on Tuesday 4 April. A meeting for candidates and agents has been arranged for 6pm on Tuesday 21 February 2023 at the council offices in Priory House in Chicksands. This session will cover the processes and requirements for nomination, arrangements for polling day and the count. More information is available on the Council’s website or by emailing

Central Bedfordshire Council has asked the Parish Council to share this item.

For further information please call Central Bedfordshire Council on 0300 300 8000.