Agenda for Committee Meeting 18th September 2023


Monday 18th September 2023, 8.30pm at the Village Hall
Burial Grounds Committee

23/162 Apologies for Absence
23/163 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
23/164 Matters Arising – for information only
23/165 To approve the minutes of the Burial Grounds Committee meeting held on 27th February 2023
23/166 To consider/approve the cost for the Tree Survey of St Nicholas Churchyard and Garden
23/167 To receive an update on the War Memorial Area
22/168 To consider/approve cost for new bench and planter to be sited in the War Memorial area
23/169 To review the Remembrance Sunday Order of Service and agree any amendments
23/170 To consider/approve the cost to hire a PA system for the Remembrance Sunday service
23/171 To consider/approve cost of gift vouchers for the Remembrance Sunday Bugler
23/172 To consider/approve cost of equipment for use at the Remembrance Sunday Road closures
23/173 To consider the arrangements for the Remembrance Sunday service
23/174 To consider the 2024 Beacon Lighting to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day
23/175 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: S Laycock (Chair), W Rudd (Vice-Chair), G Gardner, B Thomas, A Vale, J Paxton (ex-officio), N Day (ex-officio)

Minutes: S Cowie