Monday 25th March 2024, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
Planning Committee
23/535 Apologies for Absence
23/536 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
23/537 Matters Arising – for information only
23/538 To approve the minutes of the Planning committee meeting held on 26th February 2024
23/539 Update on Planning Applications Refused/Granted – for information only
23/540 Update on Enforcement Notices – for information only
23/541 To consider New Planning Applications:
CB/24/00600/FULL, 46 Osborn Road: Erection of two storey rear extension
CB/24/00601/FULL, 14 Higham Gobion Road: Proposed single storey front porch and rear extensions, and replacement detached garage following demolition of existing garage and rear projection
CB/TCA/24/00100, 8 Church Road: Works to trees within a Conservation Area: Spruce – Remove to ground level (T1). Western Red Cedar Reduce by 2.5 meters all round (T2). Two Sycamores – Reduce by 2.5 meters all round to best form (T3 & T4)
CB/24/00678/FULL, Orchard School and Nursery, Higham Gobion Road: Ground floor extension to existing school hall and classrooms together with a first floor extension to create an additional classroom with glazed access corridor
CB/24/00703/FULL, 112 Bedford Road: Single storey rear extension, front storm porch and partial conversion of existing garage
23/542 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only
Members: A Fletcher (Chair), G Gardner (Vice-chair), S Laycock, K Qureshi, W Rudd, J Paxton (ex-officio), N Day (ex-officio)
Minutes: C Callen
Monday 25th March 2024, 8.10pm at the Village Hall
Policies & Resources Committee
23/543 Apologies for Absence
23/544 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting).
23/545 Matters Arising – for information only
23/546 To approve the minutes of the Policies & Resources committee meeting held on 26th February 2024
23/547 To approve the renewal of the Microsoft 365 Licences
23/548 To consider and approve the Standing Orders 2024/25
23/549 To review and approve the Financial Regulations 2024/25
23/550 To consider and approve the Code of Conduct 2024/25
23/551 To acknowledge the price increase for Cawley’s waste collections
23/552 To acknowledge the price increase for the Peninsula Health & Safety support
23/553 To consider a donation to Blooming Barton to replenish the plants in the Welcome Back Village Planters
23/554 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only
Members: J Paxton (Chair), N Day (Vice-chair), A Fletcher, S Laycock, J Selley, B Thomas
Minutes: C Callen