Agenda for Committee Meeting 4th March 2024


Monday 4th March 2024, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
Leisure Committee

23/503 Apologies for Absence
23/504 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
23/505 Matters Arising – for information only
23/506 To approve the minutes of the Leisure Committee meeting held on 29th January 2024
23/507 To acknowledge the weekly Playground and Fitness Equipment Inspections
23/508 To receive the minutes of the Play Equipment Working Group meeting held on 15th February and approve any actions
23/509 To consider/approve the annual contract cost for field topping
23/510 To consider/approve the cost for the annual RoSPA inspection of Arnold Recreation Ground, Norman Road Play Area and the Fitness Equipment
23/511 To receive an update on flooding in Arnold Recreation Ground and agree the way forward
23/512 To receive an update on the pedestrian gate, Arnold Recreation Ground Play Area and consider/approve repair costs
23/513 To consider/approve cost for hedgerow planting in Arnold Recreation Ground
23/514 To consider/approve cost for tree work in the Norman Road Play Area and consider re-planting
23/515 To review the fencing and security in the allotments and agree the way forward
23/516 To consider ideas for a collection point for excess produce at the allotment site
23/517 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: B Thomas (Chair), A Vale (Vice-Chair), G Gardner, S Laycock, K Qureshi, J Mikkelson, J Paxton (ex-officio), N Day (ex-officio)

Minutes: S Cowie