Agenda for Committee Meeting 8th June 2022


Wednesday 8th June 2022, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
Pay & Personnel Sub-Committee

22/031 Apologies for Absence
22/032 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
22/033 Matters Arising – for information only
22/034 Exempt Business – Resolution to exclude members of press and public from debate on agenda item 22/035 (Standing Order 67). “That in view of the confidential nature of business being transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw”.
22/035 To consider and recommend compensation to staff working at the Jubilee Events
22/036 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: J Roberts (Chair), N Day (Vice-chair), J Selley, B Thomas (ex-officio), G Widdowfield (ex-officio)

Minutes: Mr J Roberts