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Monday 20th July 2020, 7.30 pm Sports Field Committee
20/121 Apologies for Absence
20/122 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
20/123 Matters Arising – for information only
20/124 To approve the minutes of the Sports Field committee held on 24th February 2020
20/125 Update on meeting with Barton Youth regarding the new season
20/126 To consider and agree action necessary to reopen the Pavilion to hirers
20/127 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only
Members: J Selley (Chair), J Paxton (Vice-chair), A Channon, J Roberts, K Taylor, L Davison-Williams (ex-officio), B Thomas (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs S Cowie
Monday 20th July 2020, 8.00 pm Leisure Committee
20/128 Apologies for Absence
20/129 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting).
20/130 Matters Arising – for information only
20/131 To approve the minutes of the Leisure committee held on 15th June 2020
20/132 To acknowledge the playground and fitness equipment inspections
20/133 To consider signage and risk assessment for safe opening of the play areas and agree date for reopening
20/134 To consider/approve purchase of toddler seat swing for Norman Road play area
20/135 To consider fencing in Arnold Recreation Ground play area
20/136 To consider feedback and recommendations from Barton Countryside Conservation regarding the coppicing of allotment hedgerow and agree the way forward
20/137 To review and agree the allotment tenancy agreement
20/138 To review and agree fees for the annual allotment rental charge, effective from 1st October 2021
20/139 Update on action taken following the decision to cancel the 2020 Horticultural Show and to agree the date for the 2021 Show
20/140 To approve set up of ear mark reserve for unspent Horticultural Show expenses
20/141 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only
Members: B Thomas (Chair), A Channon (Vice-chair), J Paxton, G Gardner, N Day, V Jones, L Davison-Williams (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs S Cowie