Agenda for Committee Meetings 22nd June 2020

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Monday 22nd June 2020, 7.30 pm Planning Committee

20/065 Apologies for Absence

20/066 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)

20/067 Matters Arising – for information only

20/068 Approval of the minutes of the planning committee held on 24th February 2020

20/069 Update on planning applications refused/granted – for information only

20/070 Update on enforcement notices

20/071 To consider new planning applications:
CB/TCA/20/00235, The Old Bakery, Bedford Road – Works to trees within a Conservation Area: Tree (T1) required to be pollarded as this is considered a hazard
CB/20/01031/FULL, 55-57 Hexton Road – Replacement Dwelling (revised proposal)

20/072 To consider and approve letter to Central Bedfordshire Council regarding the East West Rail Route

20/073 To consider and approve any actions regarding the latest Local Plan Update

20/074 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: G Gardner (Chair), J Roberts (Vice-Chair), N Day, V Jones, L Davison-Williams (ex-officio), B Thomas (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs C Callen

Monday 22nd June 2020 8:15 pm Burial Grounds Committee

20/075 Apologies for Absence

20/076 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting).

20/077 Matters Arising – for information only

20/078 To approve the minutes of the Burial Grounds committee meeting held on 24th February 2020

20/079 To acknowledge the Burial Ground and Churchyard inspections

20/080 To acknowledge the War Memorial inspection

20/081 To retrospectively approve additional cost incurred for headstone repairs in St Nicholas Churchyard

20/082 To consider request for non-resident to be buried in the Burial Ground Garden of Rest

20/083 To review and agree the Burial Ground Regulations and agree ‘effective from’ date

20/084 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: A Channon (Chair), B Thomas (Vice-chair), G Gardner, J Paxton, L Davison-Williams (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs S Cowie