Agenda for Committee Meetings 27th January 2020


Monday 27th January 2020, 7.30 pm at the Parish Office Planning Committee
19/497 Apologies for Absence Members:
19/498    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the G Gardner (Chair)
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting) J Roberts (Vice-chair)
19/499    Matters Arising – for information only N Day
V Jones
19/500    To approve the minutes of the Planning committee held on 18th November
2019 L Davison-Williams
19/501 Public Question Time
B Thomas (ex-officio)
19/502    Update on Planning Applications Refused/Granted – for information only
19/503    Update on Enforcement Notices – for information only Minutes: Mrs C Callen
19/504    To consider Capacity Analysis report to be undertaken for the Village
19/505    To consider and approve response to Taylor Wimpey Consultation regarding
potential development site at HAS05
19/506    To consider S106 Monies ‘Wish List’
19/507    To consider and approve draft letter to the Chief Planning Officer regarding
parking provision on planning applications
19/508    To consider and approve attendance and cost for the CPRE Neighbourhood
Planning Workshop on 4th March 2020
19/509    To consider response to the Appeal regarding CB/19/01598/FULL, Maple
House, Nicholls Close – 2 new 2 bed Semi-detached bungalows
19/510    To consider and approve Planning Committee Terms of Reference
19/511    Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda –
for information only
Monday 27th January 2020, 8.30pm at the Parish Office Highways &
19/512 Apologies for Absence Members:
19/513    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the J Paxton (Chair)
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting). N Day (Vice-chair)
J Roberts
19/514    Matters Arising – for information only
J Selley
19/515    To approve the minutes of the Highways & Environment Committee held on
K Taylor
18th November 2019
L Davison-Williams
19/516    To acknowledge bus shelter inspection (ex-officio)
19/517    To review condition of bus shelters and consider any replacement or repairs B Thomas (ex-officio)
19/518    To consider and approve quote for Tree Survey Minutes: Mrs C Callen
19/519    To consider traffic calming strategy for 2020
19/520    To consider and approve arrangements for the Great British Spring Clean
19/521    To consider and approve Highways & Environment Committee Terms of
19/522    To consider and approve planting on Grange Road/Bedford Road junction
19/523    Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda –
for information only
L Davison-Williams Chairman 69 Bedford Road Barton-le-Clay Bedfordshire MK45 4LL
Tel: 01582 557722 Email:
Monday 27th January 2020, 9pm at the Parish Office Policies & Resources
19/524    Apologies for Absence Members:
19/525    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the L Davison-Williams
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting). (Chair)
B Thomas (Vice-chair)
19/526    Matters Arising – for information only
A Channon
19/527    To approve the minutes of the Policies & Resources Committee held on 2nd
G Gardner
December 2019
J Paxton
19/528    To consider request from ‘Action Against Crime in Barton-le-Clay’ for support J Selley
and agree way forward
19/529    To acknowledge the consultation from The Pyramid Schools Trust on forming Minutes: Mrs C Callen
a Multi Academy Trust and consider any response
19/530    To consider response to the consultation on Ward Boundaries for Central
19/531    To consider and approve any support to be provided to Barton-le-Clay
Bowling Club
19/532    To consider and approve cost for Internal Auditor for 2019/20 Year End
19/533    To consider hosting a Parish Councillor ‘meet and greet’ surgery
19/534    Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda –
for information only