Agenda for Committee Meetings 28th February 2022


Monday 28th February 2022, 7.30pm at the Village Hall
Planning Committee

21/513 Apologies for Absence
21/514 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
21/515 Matters Arising – for information only
21/516 To approve the minutes of the Planning committee meeting held on 31st January 2022
21/517 Update on Planning Applications Refused/Granted – for information only
21/518 Update on Enforcement Notices – for information only
21/519 To consider New Planning Applications:
CB/TCA/22/00060, The Royal Oak, Bedford Road: Works to trees within a Conservation Area: To remove Leylandi Tree to ground level (T1) and to pollard down Lombardy Poplar Tree (T2)
CB/TCA/22/00077, 18A Bedford Road: Works to trees within a Conservation Area: T1 – Liquid Amber – sectional fell close to ground level.
CB/22/00330/FULL, 44 Osborn Road: Demolition of existing garage and side extension, erection of two storey side, single storey rear extension and detached garden room.
21/520 To receive feedback on NALC’s ‘Making Rural Housing More Affordable’ November webinar
21/521 To consider attendance at the Luton Rising (London Luton Airport Ltd) statutory consultation events regarding their proposals to increase capacity of the airport to 32million passengers per annum
21/522 To consider CPRE Local Green Spaces research report
21/523 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: G Gardner (Chair), J Roberts (Vice-chair), N Day, S Laycock, A Miller, B Thomas (ex-officio), J Paxton (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs C Callen

Monday 28th February 2022, 8.00pm at the Village Hall
Highways & Environment Committee

21/524 Apologies for Absence
21/525 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
21/526 Matters Arising – for information only
21/527 To approve the minutes of the Highways & Environment committee meeting held on 31st January 2022
21/528 To acknowledge the Bus Shelter inspection
21/529 Update regarding the Beds PCC Road Safety Fund application
21/530 To consider and approve suitable schemes for the Rural Match Funding Integrated Programme for 2022/23 and 2023/24
21/531 To consider options for the area opposite 27 Old Road
21/532 To consider and approve request to purchase Community litter picking equipment
21/533 To consider and approve arrangements for the Great British Spring Clean event 2022
21/534 To consider supporting the National Trust’s ‘No Mow May’ Challenge
21/535 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: J Paxton (Chair), N Day (Vice-Chair), J Roberts, J Selley, A Miller, G Widdowfield, B Thomas (ex-officio)
Minutes: Mrs C Callen

Monday 28th February 2022, 9.00pm at the Village Hall
Policies & Resources Committee

21/536 Apologies for Absence
21/537 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting).
21/538 Matters Arising – for information only
21/539 To approve the minutes of the Policies & Resources committee meeting held on 31st January 2022
21/540 To consider and approve the Risk Management Strategy
21/541 To consider and approve the draft Terms of Reference for Policies & Resources Committee
21/542 To consider and approve the draft Delegation to Employees Policy
21/543 To consider and approve the Document Retention Policy
21/544 To consider holding a Community Safety event in the Village in conjunction with Safer Central
21/545 To consider and approve the Annual Review of Effectiveness of Systems of Internal Control
21/546 To consider and approve Annual Audit Plan, Internal Audit Terms of Reference and Internal Audit Programme
21/547 To consider and approve purchase of a display board
21/548 To retrospectively approve the cost for the Clerk to attend the Parish Online training session
21/549 To consider and approve reinvestment of the Hampshire Trust Business Bond
21/550 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: B Thomas (Chair), J Paxton (Vice-chair), A Channon, G Gardner, J Selley
Minutes: Mrs C Callen