Agenda for Committee Meetings 29th March 2021


Planning Committee – Monday 29th March 2021, 7.30pm Online 

20/660 Apologies for Absence
20/661 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting)
20/662 Matters Arising – for information only
20/663 To approve the minutes of the Planning committee meeting held on 22nd February 2021
20/664 Update on Planning Applications Refused/Granted – for information only
20/665 Update on Enforcement Notices – for information only
20/666 To consider New Planning Applications:
CB/21/00821/FULL, 30 Brookend Drive: Part single and part two storey side extension
CB/TCA/21/00074, 47 Hexton Road: Works to Trees Within a Conservation Area: To fell and grind stump of Silver Birch (T1), fell Silver Birch (T2), light reduction of Yew Tree (T3) to pull back into shape
CB/21/00842/FULL, 39 Washbrook Close: Erection of an electric sliding gate and landscaping
CB/21/00861/FULL, 14 Meadhook Drive: Demolition of garage and erection of part single, part two storey side extension
CB/21/00868/FULL, 56 Stuart Road: Single storey front extension
CB/21/01057/FULL, 134 Bedford Road: Conversion of garage, single storey rear extension and front porch/link corridor
CB/21/01075/FULL, 5 Horsler Close: Proposed first floor side extension and associated alteration works including front entrance canopy
CB/20/03636/FULL, 55-57 Hexton Road: Replacement dwelling
CB/21/01093/FULL, 21 Cromwell Road: Single storey front and single storey side extensions
20/667 To consider any follow up actions to the Land Agents Briefing regarding Land to the East of Village
20/668 To acknowledge and review the Risk Assessments for the Planning Committee
20/669 Update regarding the Eastern Community Homes Community Led Housing webinars
20/670 To acknowledge the Local Plan proposed Main Modifications Consultation and agree any response
20/671 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: G Gardner (Chair), J Roberts (Vice-chair), N Day, V Jones, S Laycock, B Thomas (ex-officio)

Minutes: Mrs C Callen

Policies & Resources Committee – Monday 29th March, 8.30pm Online 

20/672 Apologies for Absence
20/673 Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting).
20/674 Matters Arising – for information only
20/675 To approve the minutes of the Policies & Resources committee meeting held on 22nd February 2021
20/676 To retrospectively approve the reinvestment of the Hampshire Trust Business Bond
20/677 To retrospectively approve the renegotiation of the Electricity Contract for the Sports Pavilion
20/678 To retrospectively approve the renegotiation of the BT Broadband contract for the Parish Office Cloud phone
20/679 To retrospectively approve the Clerks attendance and cost for the SLCC Virtual Regional Training Seminar
20/680 To retrospectively approve the cost for painting the Parish Office
20/681 Update regarding request from Doctors Partnership regarding the purchase of the freehold for the surgery and agree way forward
20/682 To consider and approve the Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy
20/683 To acknowledge response from Nadine Dorries MP regarding the planned closure of the TSB Branch
20/684 To acknowledge the Fire Risk Assessments for the Parish Office and Sports Pavilion
20/685 To acknowledge the Annual Health & Safety Review
20/686 To review the Risk Assessment Action Plan in respect of GDPR and agree way forward
20/687 To consider involvement in the NHS, Social Care & Frontline Workers Day 5th July 2021
20/688 Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – for information only

Members: B Thomas (Vice-chair), A Channon, G Gardner, J Paxton, J Selley

Minutes: Mrs C Callen

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Meeting ID: 927 4558 4019
Passcode: 226486