Agenda for Committee Meetings 2nd March 2020


Monday 2nd March, 7.30 pm at the Parish Office Highways &
19/640 Apologies for Absence Members:
19/641    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the J Paxton (Chair)
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting) N Day (Vice-chair)
19/642    Matters Arising – for information only J Roberts
J Selley
19/643    To approve the minutes of the Highways & Environment Committee held on
K Taylor
27th January 2020
L Davison-Williams
19/644    To acknowledge bus shelter inspection
19/645    To consider and approve Highways & Environment Committee Terms of B Thomas (ex-officio)
19/646    To review condition of bus shelters and consider any replacement or repairs Minutes: Mrs C Callen
19/647    To consider and approve quote to reduce height of Hedge at rear of 3 Grange
19/648    To consider and approve request from Barton Countryside Conservation
regarding seeding and maintaining a small area of roadside verge on Luton
19/649    To consider and approve arrangements for the Great British Spring Clean
19/650    To acknowledge complaint from resident regarding the overgrown trees and
hedges on Bedford Road and Simpkins Drive and agree way forward
19/651    Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda –
for information only
Monday 2nd March 2020, 8.15pm at the Parish Office Policies & Resources
19/652 Apologies for Absence Members:
19/653    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the L Davison-Williams
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting). (Chair)
B Thomas (Vice-chair)
19/654    Matters Arising – for information only
A Channon
19/655    To approve the minutes of the Policies & Resources Committee held on 27th
G Gardner
January 2020
J Paxton
19/656    To consider and approve the recommendations contained within the minutes J Selley
of the Pay & Personnel Sub-committee meeting on 25th February 2020
19/657    To consider and approve the Annual Investment Policy 2020/21 Minutes: Mrs C Callen
19/658    To consider and approve reinvestment of the Hampshire Trust Business Bond
19/659    To consider and approve Annual Audit Plan, Internal Audit Terms of
Reference and Internal Audit Programme
19/660    To consider and approve new lease for Barton Tennis Club
19/661    To consider and approve Document Retention Policy
19/662    To consider and approve quote for Fire-proof document security cabinet
19/663    To consider hosting a Parish Councillor ‘meet and greet’ surgery
19/664    To consider request from Police regarding a social area for the Barton youth

19/665      To consider and approve amendments to the Financial Regulations

19/666      To consider and approve the Annual Review of Effectiveness of Systems of Internal Control

19/667      To consider and approve the costs to re-develop the Website

19/668      Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agendafor information only