Annual Reports

What is the Annual Parish Meeting?

The Annual Parish Meeting is the meeting where the Parish Council report to its electorate on what it has accomplished in the preceding year.
Electors, public and press are invited to hear reports from the Chairman, Committees, and the representatives on local organisations.
The Annual Parish Meeting should be a relatively informal event for the community whereas the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is a formal council meeting.

When must the Annual Parish Meeting be held?
The Annual Parish Meeting must be held between 1st March and the 1st June (inclusive) each year, on a date decided by the Parish Council, and will be advertised at least 7 days in advance. It usually starts at 7.30pm.

How should the Annual Parish Meeting be conducted?
There should be an opportunity for the public and press to express their opinions on what the council are doing during the meeting.

Thumb BPC-Annual-Report-2023-2024.pdf BPC Annual Report 2023 2024.pdf

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6.48 MB14th May 2024
Thumb BPC-Annual-Report-2022-2023.pdf BPC Annual Report 2022 2023.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 2.25 MB 2023-05-18 18th May 2023 2023-05-18 18th May 2023
2.25 MB18th May 2023
Thumb 2022-05-09-Annual-Parish-Meeting-Minutes.pdf 2022-05-09 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes.pdf

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148.24 KB17th May 2023
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1.23 MB12th May 2022
Thumb Annual-Parish-Meeting-Presentation-2021.pdf

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723.17 KB13th May 2021
Thumb BPC-Annual-Report-2020-2021.pdf

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2.4 MB13th May 2021
Thumb 2021-05-04-Annual-Parish-Meeting-Minutes.pdf

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138.18 KB4th May 2021

