CPRE – Save our Greenfields Protest Walks – 13th February 2022

On Sunday 13th February join CPRE Bedfordshire and local action groups across Bedfordshire and follow a number of planned protest walks through the beautiful Bedfordshire Countryside to send a powerful message to the government.

Use an hour of your time and call on our local and national government to save our Bedfordshire greenfields: our wildlife, forests, biodiversity, farmland, carbon capture and public access to open countryside.

These protest walks will be in support of the national petition demanding an end to private house building targets, a ban on large scale housing development on greenfield sites and calling for all new homes to be built to the highest environmental standards.

Sign the petition

Shillington WI and Say No to Greenwoods

Raising awareness of the proposed Greenwoods development of 4,000 houses between Barton-le-Clay and Gravenhurst

Meeting point and route:

Start at Wrest Park, Silsoe MK45 4HR at 11.30 am. Meet in front of the entrance to the house halfway down the drive. The walk to the greenfield site takes 30 minutes (there and back 1 ½ hours at most). It is good, level walking but it can be mucky at just the one corner so wellies might be advisable!

Save Our Greenfields protest walks