Latest Councillor Blog

Ever wondered what the Parish Council do?
I mean, we pay them money each year and what do we get for it?
Let’s face it, we’ve all seen or heard of the shenanigans at Handforth Parish Council and the now notorious Jackie Weaver.
Barton Parish Council recently held the Leisure Committee meeting and members learnt all about the mindless vandalism of the play equipment in Arnold Rec – what vandalism? – Over £300 worth of damage to the zip wire and £200 to the gyro spiral, which have both been swiftly addressed with temporary repairs, so they are still safe to use with new parts on order.
Even more impressive, was the response to the crude shaving foam graffiti down Bedford Road which appeared early one morning and was swiftly cleaned up by the amazing team before most of us were awake and about, sparing everyone’s blushes ….
This time would have been better spent performing normal day-to-day duties and if it had been left too long, it would have taken much longer and cost much more to remove.
And I guess that’s the point – we don’t always know what they do because they do it before we notice! They look after OUR community facilities: the play and fitness equipment (making sure it’s safe), the Burial Grounds and War Memorial, the bus shelters, allotments, sports ground, cutting back Parish-owned hedges and maintaining our environment, making sure OUR interests as parishioners are considered in Planning applications and other Local Authority matters.
You might not agree with everything they do – I don’t always agree with my fellow councillors – but it is democratic, and it works.
Why not come along and see for yourself?
The next Full Council meeting is on Monday evening 11th October at the Village Hall – but there are meetings most Monday evenings and the public are welcome to attend. We also need more councillors, so if you fancy a say in our community, come and join us!
Hope to see you soon.
Anon Councillor