Remembrance Sunday 2022

Thank you to everyone who joined in the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial on Sunday morning and a big thank you to all the volunteers and Police who helped with the road closures, David Cope for leading the service and Marek Kosala who performed the Last Post and Reveille so perfectly.

Our  thanks go to a local resident who has made several silent soldiers silhouettes which were displayed at the War Memorial, Burial Ground, St Nicholas Church and Lime Close.  We hope you have enjoyed the fabulous display of poppies around the village. We are grateful to Barton Scout Leader, Andrea Baulk who handmade each one. Andrea is planning to make even more for next year so if you have any bottle bottoms to donate, you can drop them into the Parish Office, 1 Windsor Parade.

Below are a few photos to remember the day.

Lest we forget.

Remembrance Sunday 2022 Photographs