Coronation Community Garden

This collaboration between the Rotary Club of Barton-le-Clay, the Parish Council and Blooming Barton, was launched at the Coronation Celebration event on 8th May 2023 with the aim of creating a community garden for the Village.

After much investigation, a suitable site was identified on the former allotment land in Hexton Road, adjacent to the Village Hall and Doctors Surgery. The objectives were to establish a wellbeing garden for community members, including the public and those in receipt of social prescribing by the doctors.

Members of the public gave their thoughts on what the garden should look like and clearly indicated that preferences were for sensory, accessibility, wildlife homes / pollinator flowers, covered areas, i.e., a cottage garden style. There were also many offers of help ranging from design expertise to construction and ongoing maintenance.

Following this successful launch, the partners have progressed with fund raising, seeking further assistance from local businesses and a design scheme to incorporate the ideas put forward.

We are excited to say that the groundwork started at the site in March 2024, to create the flower beds, lay down the paths and put in new access gates.  Once this is completed, we hope to start planting in the Spring. If you are interested in helping with this, please contact the Parish Council to register your details.  You do not need to be an experienced gardener and instructions and tools will be provided.


The creation of the garden will provide a space for residents to socialise and enjoy. Wellbeing walks will be starting from the site soon, so please look out for more information.

Preview Day – 19th May 2024
Thanks to everyone who visited the garden and to the volunteers who are giving up their time to make this a lovely community asset for the Village, with planting and watering now started.
We hope to be able to open the garden fully over the coming weeks.

You can follow progress on our Facebook page Coronation Community Garden.

Funding Partners:

This project is part-funded by the government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

We are also delighted to have received support from the Whitbread PLC Chairman’s Fund managed by the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation (BLCF).

Thanks to these grants, we are able to continue our work with the Coronation Community Garden.

Collaboration Partners: