Tree Works – Lovers Walk

Please note that following a detailed survey undertaken in the Summer of the trees along Lovers Walk (at the top of Old Road), it has become necessary for the Parish Council to arrange for certain tree works to be undertaken in this area, to ensure the ongoing safety of all users. This will involve cutting back, pollarding or, unfortunately, felling certain trees.

The Forestry Commission have been consulted and have agreed a felling licence for the works to be undertaken, to thin out the area and remove several damaged, dead or diseased trees that are considered potentially dangerous.

A tree surgeon has been instructed to complete the works, which are due to start on 12th December. Access to the right-of-way will be restricted whilst the contractor is on site, for the safety of everyone. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by Christmas.

The Parish Council will continue to work with the Woodland Trust and other specialists to ensure new trees are planted in the Village to replace those felled, in due course.