Agenda for Committee Meetings 24th February 2020


Monday 24th February 2020, 7.30 pm at the Parish Office Planning Committee
19/592 Apologies for Absence Members:
19/593    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the G Gardner (Chair)
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting) J Roberts (Vice-chair)
N Day
19/594    Matters Arising – for information only
V Jones
19/595    To approve the minutes of the Planning committee held on 27th January 2020
L Davison-Williams
19/596    Update on Planning Applications Refused/Granted – for information only
19/597    Update on Enforcement Notices – for information only B Thomas (ex-officio)
19/598    To consider New Planning Applications:
CB/20/00424/FULL, 116 Norman Road: Single storey rear extension Minutes: Mrs C Callen
CB/20/00359/FULL, 145 Norman Road: Extend the current garage forward to
align with front of current house, replace the current flat roof over single storey
structure with a pitched roof, extend dropped kerb and pave hard standing
CB/TRE/20/00055, 11 Manor Farm Close: Works to Trees Protected by a
Tree Preservation Order: Two Ash trees in rear garden reduce crown to
previous points, crown lift both trees by pruning lower branches to 4 metres
with vertical clearance. Removal of dead branches
19/599    To consider and approve Planning Committee Terms of Reference
19/600    To consider response to the letter from the Planning Officer regarding parking
provision on planning applications
19/601    To consider the preferred route announcement for the East West Rail,
between Bedford and Cambridge and consider any further actions
19/602    Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda –
for information only
Monday 24th February 2020, 8.05 pm at the Parish Office Sports Field
19/603 Apologies for Absence Members:
19/604    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the J Selley (Chair)
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting) J Paxton (Vice-Chair)
19/605    Matters Arising – for information only A Channon
J Roberts
19/606    To approve the minutes of the Sports Field committee held on 3rd February
19/607    To consider/approve purchase of dog waste bin and post K Taylor
L Davison-Williams
19/608    To consider/approve quotations for fencing and gates at the Sports Field
19/609    Update on the new hot water system in the Pavilion and action as required B Thomas (ex-officio)
19/610    Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda – Minutes: Mrs S Cowie
for information only
Monday 24th February 2020, 8.35 pm at the Parish Office Burial Grounds
19/611 Apologies for Absence Members:
19/612    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the A Channon (Chair)
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting). B Thomas (Vice-chair)
G Gardner
19/613    Matters Arising – for information only
J Paxton
19/614    To approve the minutes of the Burial Grounds committee meeting held on 3rd
L Davison-Williams
February 2020
19/615    To acknowledge the burial ground and churchyard inspections Minutes: Mrs S Cowie
  • Davison-Williams Chairman 69 Bedford Road Barton-le-Clay Bedfordshire MK45 4LL Tel: 01582 557722 Email:

19/616 To acknowledge the war memorial inspection 19/617 To consider/approve request to erect a headstone

19/618      To acknowledge receipt of the specification for works to soakaways at St Nicholas Church and agree any action necessary

19/619 To consider and agree response to Bidwells regarding purchase of glebe land 19/620 Update on memorial stability testing of headstones in St Nicholas Churchyard 19/621 To agree a strategy for the burial ground and it’s extension

19/622 To review and agree the Burial Ground Fees, effective from 1st April 2020 19/623 To review and agree the Burial Ground Regulations, effective from 1st April


19/624      Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agendafor information only