AGENDA for Horticultural Show Sub-committee Meeting 11th February 2020


Tuesday 11th February 2020, 2.00 pm at the Parish Office Horticultural Show
19/583    Apologies for Absence Members:
19/584    Specific Declarations of Interest (Cllrs may make declarations pertaining to the G Gardner (Chair)
agenda at this point or at any point during the meeting). B Thomas (Vice-chair)
19/585    Matters Arising – for information only Mr A Low
L Davison-Williams
19/586    To approve the minutes of the Horticultural Show sub-committee held on 16th
September 2019 (ex-officio)
19/587    To approve the Horticultural Show 2020 judges
19/588    To review/approve the Horticultural Show 2020 schedule booklet Minutes: Mrs S Cowie
19/589    To consider supporting Barton Scouts to hold a Scarecrow competition
19/590    To agree the Horticultural Show timeline
19/591    Any other business of an urgent nature or for inclusion on the next agenda –
for information only